Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Appreciating the barriers in your life.

In many situations we find ourselves struggling to accept the things that keep us from doing what we want to do. There are many things that become obstacles or barriers in our daily lives. A barrier is defined as a “limit or boundary of any kind.”

We see barriers everywhere. Mostly in common places like the freeway. Now we ask ourselves why it is that we have a barrier in the freeway. Well it's simple. It keeps us in order. It doesn't let us stray in the wrong direction. If we didn't have these barriers in the freeway, we would most likely do something illegal or get into an accident. It would be a danger to us.

Another place we see this kind of barrier is in a relationship. We often find ourselves searching and wanting from a relationship. We don’t see the warning signs. We don’t pay attention to the red flashing arrows in front of us. We are so lost in our relationship that it’s so hard for us to see and accept that there are boundaries that we need to keep. Its okay to have boundaries if we're meant for that person it will happen, if we're not then God was saving us for someone better.

God often puts us in situations that we don’t like.  We think that they are too hard for us to handle.But is it the fact that we can’t handle them? Or is it the fact that we won’t like the place or position that situation is going to leave us in?

God uses barriers to keep us from doing something that we'll regret. Or something that won’t benefit us in any way. We know that God has our back and that we need to obey him to live good lives. But we often forget that when we are in a certain situation. This barrier won’t let us do what we want.

A barrier can even be a person. God can help us not go into wrong paths by putting a person to completely stop or simply put a temporary pause to our plans. We have to keep in mind that sometimes, barriers are good. They give us limits on how much we can do according to God. Learn how to appreciate these barriers. The invisible barriers are much more real than we think. Things happen for a reason, people come and go. Just remember that God doesn't put us in situations we can’t handle. But most importantly, remember that he will never leave us.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence,with eternal pleasures at your right hand. - Psalm 16:6-11

Encourage all you to visit this website , talks about our mental barriers :

Simply , Miss Jess

Friday, March 7, 2014

Our true love story.

Ladies, Don’t we all dream about our “happily ever after”? Ever since we were little girls we've wanted a fairytale that has to do with a special guy. You know, maybe a real one this time? Rather than the one we often make up in our heads lol.

Loving a guy can be the best feeling for us. That feeling like you’re floating in the air, the butterflies in our stomach, which makes you feel like you want to throw up sometimes (or is that just me lol?). It’s an incredible feeling.

Girls, we know that guys aren’t always going to be ‘prince charming’. In fact many of us had our heartbroken at some point. For the ones that know that feeling, yes, it sucks! It feels like it’s the end of the world. When a girl is in love she will do anything to keep her boy happy. To keep him pleased. When we fall in love it’s usually because of that security that we feel with them, the way they help us or bring the best out in us (most of us), or maybe for the simple reason the we feel loved and happy. But girls….

Have we forgotten the man who gives us his unconditional love, the one who never fails us in any way? We have been searching for a fairytale that we’ve had all along.  That love that never dies out. Yes, of course I’m talking about the love of God.

God came to die for our sins, he knew we weren’t perfect but yet he loves our imperfections and he still died for us all because he loved us (John 3:16). Isn’t that what we are looking for? A man that will love our imperfections, well God does! We want someone with whom we can find peace and rest in, and that’s something God promised us (Matthew 11:28-29). We dream about having that unbreakable bond, God promised that too (Romans 8:37-39).

God has everything we want in a man, so why not fall in love with him? “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33). God gave his life for you and me, why not give him ours? If we live in the arms of a king, he will give us everything we need and more!

“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” ― Maya Angelou

Simply , Miss Jess

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Who says? Who cares?

The definition of beautiful doesn’t have the words “perfect body”. In fact the definition is “wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.” Yet we humans think that our physical appearance define our beauty. What happened to the beauty of being humble? Are we so hypnotized by the world now that we think just cause we dress a certain way, we are beautiful. Hey if you think that, that’s fine. Confidence is everything. Or what about thinking that being beautiful has everything to do with the brand you wear or what kind of makeup you buy? Of course times have changed and things are different now. But did the word beautiful lose its value? Did we women lower our standards? I believe that every girl loves to be called beautiful. Why? Because it’s not commonly said anymore which is why we feel special when a guy or anyone for that matter, says it to us. 

I bet the only time we hear a guy say the word beautiful now in days is when they are talking about a car. That’s pretty sad. Not all guys... but most guys of our generation have lost most respect for women.  Why? Because we have lowered what our value is and most girls don’t respect who they are. 

Going back to being beautiful. I know we have all heard 'you're beautiful in your own way' , and yes that’s true. We ARE all unique in our ways. Our individuality is what tells us apart from others. It is what makes us beautiful. You may not have the talent I have (which I have not discovered yet lol ) but you can have something else... a talent I might want. We all have to learn how to be comfortable with who we are no matter what we look like or how people see us. Us girls put many things in our heads. Maybe things that make us want to change or change others. Women like change. I believe that if we all change the way we think, and if we learn to control our emotions , we can all believe and truly accept that we are all beautiful. 

"Emotions can be the enemy, if you give into your emotions, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind" - Bruce Lee

Simply , Miss Jess