Thursday, February 27, 2014

Who says? Who cares?

The definition of beautiful doesn’t have the words “perfect body”. In fact the definition is “wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.” Yet we humans think that our physical appearance define our beauty. What happened to the beauty of being humble? Are we so hypnotized by the world now that we think just cause we dress a certain way, we are beautiful. Hey if you think that, that’s fine. Confidence is everything. Or what about thinking that being beautiful has everything to do with the brand you wear or what kind of makeup you buy? Of course times have changed and things are different now. But did the word beautiful lose its value? Did we women lower our standards? I believe that every girl loves to be called beautiful. Why? Because it’s not commonly said anymore which is why we feel special when a guy or anyone for that matter, says it to us. 

I bet the only time we hear a guy say the word beautiful now in days is when they are talking about a car. That’s pretty sad. Not all guys... but most guys of our generation have lost most respect for women.  Why? Because we have lowered what our value is and most girls don’t respect who they are. 

Going back to being beautiful. I know we have all heard 'you're beautiful in your own way' , and yes that’s true. We ARE all unique in our ways. Our individuality is what tells us apart from others. It is what makes us beautiful. You may not have the talent I have (which I have not discovered yet lol ) but you can have something else... a talent I might want. We all have to learn how to be comfortable with who we are no matter what we look like or how people see us. Us girls put many things in our heads. Maybe things that make us want to change or change others. Women like change. I believe that if we all change the way we think, and if we learn to control our emotions , we can all believe and truly accept that we are all beautiful. 

"Emotions can be the enemy, if you give into your emotions, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind" - Bruce Lee

Simply , Miss Jess

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