Friday, March 7, 2014

Our true love story.

Ladies, Don’t we all dream about our “happily ever after”? Ever since we were little girls we've wanted a fairytale that has to do with a special guy. You know, maybe a real one this time? Rather than the one we often make up in our heads lol.

Loving a guy can be the best feeling for us. That feeling like you’re floating in the air, the butterflies in our stomach, which makes you feel like you want to throw up sometimes (or is that just me lol?). It’s an incredible feeling.

Girls, we know that guys aren’t always going to be ‘prince charming’. In fact many of us had our heartbroken at some point. For the ones that know that feeling, yes, it sucks! It feels like it’s the end of the world. When a girl is in love she will do anything to keep her boy happy. To keep him pleased. When we fall in love it’s usually because of that security that we feel with them, the way they help us or bring the best out in us (most of us), or maybe for the simple reason the we feel loved and happy. But girls….

Have we forgotten the man who gives us his unconditional love, the one who never fails us in any way? We have been searching for a fairytale that we’ve had all along.  That love that never dies out. Yes, of course I’m talking about the love of God.

God came to die for our sins, he knew we weren’t perfect but yet he loves our imperfections and he still died for us all because he loved us (John 3:16). Isn’t that what we are looking for? A man that will love our imperfections, well God does! We want someone with whom we can find peace and rest in, and that’s something God promised us (Matthew 11:28-29). We dream about having that unbreakable bond, God promised that too (Romans 8:37-39).

God has everything we want in a man, so why not fall in love with him? “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33). God gave his life for you and me, why not give him ours? If we live in the arms of a king, he will give us everything we need and more!

“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” ― Maya Angelou

Simply , Miss Jess

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